Company Succession

For more than 30 years, one of our consulting focuses has been succession consulting, especially in architecture, engineering and planning firms. The complexity of the business, tax, legal and, above all, interpersonal facets that need to be taken into account are part of our everyday business. Our consulting processes are similar to project planning, but expanded by an analytical approach. Our goal is to reach the greatest possible consensus on part of the owners, the successors and the company, including the employees.

The experience of Eckhold Consultants GmbH in this field of consulting ranges from succession planning within the family, by employees, a strategic succession by industrial or colleague companies, as well as a combination of all variants. With the help of an early employee participation model, succession can be initiated with foresight. Smooth interdisciplinary cooperation through our in-house lawyers, tax advisors and auditors not only simplifies the structuring in all aspects, but can also be helpful during the closing/the signing of the contract.


Status Quo

Getting familiar with the realities of the company

Succession concept

Development of individual succession variations


Taking into account the industry-specific influencing factors

Search for successors

In the circle of employees, family or on the free market.


Design of the contracts and supporting the negotiations in advance


Guidance of the handover process through coaching the involved parties

Please read our articles ‘Early employee participation and handover concepts‘ by Jörg T. Eckhold and Valuation of a planning office‘ by Andreas Langner – in the  6th new edition of the VBI guide ‘Succession in the planning office‘.

You can request this brochure from

Verband Beratender Ingenieure VBI
Budapester Str. 31
D-10787 Berlin

Phone +49 (0) 30 / 2 60 62 – 0


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